
Hilarious Sports Moments

by virgo | 10:47 PM in , | comments (0)

Hilarious Sports Moments

The Girl with Modern Beauty 2008 Miss Universe

Miss Universe 2008...Dayana The Noble Award of Miss Universe 2008 Goes Tos Miss Venezuela Dayana Mendoza The Girl with Modern Beauty Dynamic and Confident Characteristics

Some Cool Links of The Day

by virgo | 1:10 AM in | comments (0)

Japanese Art Bike

by virgo | 10:16 PM in | comments (0)

Japanese Art Bike

The Dekochari are Japanese art bikes which have impressive light displays, big bumpers, chrome-plated, colorful paint jobs & many are decked out with hi-fi audio systems & cup-holders. Dekochari was a response by children to the Dekotora which swept Japan after a series of movies called 'Truck Yaro' came out.

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